Approved High School Boundary Changes

  • On December 9, 2021, the Clay County School Board held a public meeting to adopt and approve the boundary changes necessary to relieve overcrowding at Oakleaf High School. The approved changes include: designated areas from Oakleaf High School to Orange Park High School and designated areas from Oakleaf High School to Ridgeview High School. The following exceptions were also approved:

    1. Upcoming seniors (current juniors) would be allowed to remain at Oakleaf High School for
      their final year.
    2. Students who are currently enrolled in the AICE, Aerospace, and AgriScience programs will
      be allowed to remain at Oakleaf High School.

    The approved boundary changes will take effect the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year. Please see the redistricting maps provided below for more information. Those impacted by the rezoning change will receive an official letter from the school district and then will receive future communication from the administration of the newly assigned school.

Approved Boundary Change for Oakleaf High School to Ridgeview High School

  • Subdivisions affected by the boundary realignment:
    Cameron Oaks, Kindlewood, Kindlewood- North of Trail Ridge, East of the FCX, South of Kindlewood Dr.

    Map of Approved Boundary Change

    Map of Approved Boundary Change

Approved Boundary Change for Oakleaf High School to Orange Park High School

  • Subdivisions affected by the boundary realignment:
    Spencer Plantation, Cheswick South, Wilford Preserve, Spencer Island, Cutters Point,
    Hammock Grove, Watermill, Brittany Bluff, Cranes Landing, Holly Parke, Olde Sutton Parke, Spencers Lake, Olde Sutton Forest. Olde Sutton Oaks, Plantation Village, Savannah Glen, Sweetbriar, Spencers Crossing, Deerfield Pointe

    Map of Approved boundry


Historical Timeline for Approved Boundary Changes:

    • Thursday, December 09, 2021: Clay County School Board Public Hearing and adoption of the proposed boundary change.
    • Thursday, November 25, 2021: Rezoning proposals publicly advertised in The Clay Today newspaper.
    • Thursday, November 18, 2021: Rezoning proposals publicly advertised in The Clay Today newspaper.
    • Thursday, November 11, 2021: Rezoning proposals publicly advertised in The Clay Today newspaper.
    • Thursday, November 04, 2021: Rezoning options were officially presented to the Clay County School Board for consideration during the regular scheduled public meeting. Link to minutes.
    • Tuesday, October 26, 2021: Rezoning options were presented to the Clay County School Board for discussion during the regularly scheduled BoardWorkshop for the upcoming November 2021 meeting. Link to minutes.
    • Monday, October 25, 2021:  A Community Meeting was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Orange ParkJunior High School Cafeteria, 1500 Gano Ave, OrangePark, FL  32073    Town Hall Meeting Slide Deck
    • Monday, October 25, 2021: A Community Meeting was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Ridgeview High School Cafeteria, 466 Madison Ave, Orange Park, FL 32065
    • Thursday, October 21, 2021: A Community Meeting was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Orange Park High School Cafeteria, 2300 Kingsley Ave, Orange Park, FL  32073    Town Hall Meeting Slide Deck
    • Friday, October 08, 2021: Letters from Clay County District Schools were sent to the addresses of students potentially impacted by the boundary change recommendations:

    - Letter to advertise meeting OHS to OPH 
    - Letter to advertise meeting OLJ to OPJ 
    - Letter to advertise meeting OHS to RHS