Citizens Advisory Committee
The Citizens Advisory Committee was approved at the May 6, 2021 Board Meeting. The Ballot measure included language which called for the creation of a Citizens Advisory Committee to monitor and report on the use of the sales surtax revenues to assure the public that the monies are being utilized as provided for by state law.
District One
Horace Tucker-3 year term
Danny Finley-2 year term
Tara Richardson- Alternate
District Two
Peter Antonacci- 3 year term
Seidah Durante- 2 year term
Paul Casanova- Alternate
District Three
Alan Watt- 3 year term
Kenneth Francis- 2 year term
Glen Stroman-Alternate
District Four
Edward "Smitty" Huffman- 3 year term
Karen Lake- 2 year term
Shawn Jackson- Alternate
District Five
Matt Swain- 3year term
Thomas Smith- 2 year term
Felicia Hampshire-Alternate
Jeff Nelson- 3 year term
Samantha Lawson- Alternate